
Just for Fun

Just for FunGrand Opening

Ellianos Coffee Grand Opening Set For March 26th

Belleview, Florida (March 15, 2024) – Ellianos Coffee, a southeast-based drive-thru specialty coffee brand, is thrilled to announce the grand opening event of its Belleview location. Coffee enthusiasts are invited to join the celebration at 6147 SE Abshier Boulevard on March 26th for an afternoon filled with delicious drinks, pastries,…
Abby Benton
March 15, 2024
Just for Fun

5 Ellianos Favorites To Try On National Caramel Day

As National Caramel Day approaches, we are thrilled to introduce five exquisite caramel coffee drinks you can enjoy at Ellianos Coffee. These delectable beverages are sure to satisfy your taste buds and leave you feeling delighted. Let's take a closer look at each of these drinks. 1. Caffé Dolce First…
Abby Benton
April 4, 2023
Just for Fun

The Secret to a Good Day

They say the morning sets the tone for everything to come. Without a doubt, starting your day off on the right foot (or the wrong foot for that matter) can affect you both mentally and physically. Everything from your health to your ability to react with a clear mind are…
Abby Benton
April 3, 2023
Just for Fun

Cold Brew vs. Iced Coffee

Coffee lovers will attest: there's no wrong way to enjoy your cup of coffee. Dozens of coffee styles are out there to delight your palette. But the type of coffee you enjoy is likely largely determined by your personal taste. According to research by Mintel, two of the most popular…
Abby Benton
April 3, 2023
Just for Fun

What is Italian Coffee?

There is simply nothing quite like a classic. With its unmatched flavor, there's a reason why customers turn to Italian coffee as a daily staple. But what is Italian roast coffee? And what makes it distinct from other cups of joe? In this blog, we'll explore this specific variety so…
Abby Benton
March 20, 2023
Just for Fun

What is Mocha Coffee?

As the cold months linger on, fellow coffee enthusiasts may be on the hunt for something new. Or perhaps to discover a forgotten favorite as they try to stay warm until spring. Ellianos offers a wide variety of delicious coffee drinks, but there's one in particular that we recommend: the…
Abby Benton
March 20, 2023
Menu/ProductsJust for Fun

A Complete Guide to Drip Coffee

There's a good chance that if you've ever had coffee in your life, you've had drip coffee.  Drip coffee is incredibly easy to make and requires no brewing experience. It differs from other coffee brewing methods in terms of the equipment and the degree of control over additional factors, such…
Abby Benton
January 22, 2023